Micro SD Duplicator

MicroSD copier for reproducing microSD cards

The standalone MicroSD copier from ADR will create up to 62 copies of your SD card for you at the same time.

Our Micro SD card copier from Advanced Digital Research

These copier towers are based on the established Whirlwind CD / DVD Kopiertower series. We have further developed the controllers specifically for Flash media. With the MicroSD copiers from ADR you can copy, delete or even test all common MicroSD cards in the market. The copy speed is usually limited by the writing speed of the cards. Basically, therefore, the media used is the bottleneck of production. For this reason, it is important to pay attention to high quality media. The operation of the MicroSD Copied is very simple. The ADR MicroSD copiers work independently of the PC, thanks to internal processor.